How to log out of viber on pc or mac


If you want khổng lồ delete your Viber account, you only need lớn log out of your Viber tài khoản on your computer or phone.

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Viber chat application is one of the popular video clip calling và chat applications that many users currently use. We text, call video clip comfortably on the computer or on the phone without being too expensive. Và in the process of using you want to lớn exit your Viber account on your computer if you use a computer at a public or public place, you just need lớn deactivate your Viber account.

When a user disables Viber trương mục activation, it means that the Viber trương mục will be logged out completely. All data about accounts such as tương tác numbers and messages are deleted entirely on the device. Thus users will not worry about leaking information of Viber account. The following article will guide you how to lớn log out of your Viber account. Users should cảnh báo that after canceling Viber trương mục activation, data cannot be restored. So you need khổng lồ save & send Viber messages to the e-mail address on your phone khổng lồ restore when needed.

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1. Instructions to exit Viber on PC

Step 1:

At the Viber account interface on the computer, users click on Tools and select Options .


Step 2:

Show the new interface, here we click on the Privacy settings group. Switch lớn the new interface, at the Deactive Viber on Desktop section, click the Deactive button to lớn exit the Viber account on your computer. The entire chat history as well as the Viber account data on the computer will be erased. If you use Viber on android or iOS, the account will remain the same.


2. Instructions for escaping Viber on Android và iOS

2.1. Exit android Viber account

At the Viber account interface on app android we click on the 3 dashes icon to lớn display the các mục of options for the account. Continue khổng lồ drag down the content below & then click the Exit option . Viber will notify you that you have not received the call và the message, press Ok lớn exit the Viber account.

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2.2. Deactivate Viber tài khoản on iPhone / iPad

On Viber ios app, there is no separate Exit option lượt thích on Viber app android version. But users can log out of Viber accounts by clearing chat history & calls through the Settings app on the phone. When you click on Uninstall application , all trương mục related nội dung is deleted, but they will be restored when downloading the tiện ích on the tiện ích Store. How lớn use the detailed reference in the article How khổng lồ use Offload Unused Apps lớn uninstall iPhone application.


Alternatively, you deactivate your Viber tài khoản on tiện ích ios as follows:

Step 1:

At Viber delivery on the phone, click on the add button at the bottom right of the screen. Switch to the new interface và click on Settings .


Step 2:

In the User Settings interface click on the account section và then click on the Remove button as shown below. Khổng lồ deactivate your Viber account, enter the phone number registered with Viber account và click the Activate trương mục button below.

After canceling Viber on the phone, all your data will be deleted, including purchased credit, disconnecting all Viber connections from other devices including Viber on the computer.


Thus, it is easy khổng lồ log out of Viber accounts on your computer or on the phone. If you exit your Viber account on your computer, the Viber trương mục on another device will remain the same, but if you disable Viber activation on your phone, the Viber account on the computer will automatically log off.